The Mountain and Plains Appaloosa Horse club was formed in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1953 for the purpose of assisting in the promotion of the Appaloosa breed and raising, owning or selling the Appaloosa horse.
The Mountain & Plains club is an affiliate of the Appaloosa Horse club, Inc, of Moscow, Idaho, the national breed organization of the Appaloosa Horse.
If you are interested in Appaloosa horses, whether it be from the standpoint of a breeder, owner, rider, seller or otherwise you need the Mountains and Plains Appaloosa horse Club - the Mountains and Plains club needs you.
Your membership will benefit you directly by keeping you in touch with other Appaloosa horse people in the area and with upcoming Appaloosa horse club events.
MPApHC main objectives are:
Knowledge and appreciation of the Appaloosa horse Breed
Encourage youth members or whose families are members to become involved in the training and use of the Appaloosa horse
Hold exhibitions of Appaloosas each year and accord recognition to participants and members for accomplishments in training , breeding and showing of Appaloosas
New sponsor:
At Molly’s Custom Silver, we are dedicated to giving all of our customers the personal service they deserve.
We are dedicated to crafting the highest quality bronze and silver buckles, key chains, pendants, stirrups, hatpins, badges, and more